1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
| +0x000 InheritedAddressSpace : UChar +0x001 ReadImageFileExecOptions : UChar +0x002 BeingDebugged : UChar +0x003 SpareBool : UChar +0x004 Mutant : Ptr32 Void +0x008 ImageBaseAddress : Ptr32 Void +0x00c Ldr : Ptr32 _PEB_LDR_DATA +0x010 ProcessParameters : Ptr32 _RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS +0x014 SubSystemData : Ptr32 Void +0x018 ProcessHeap : Ptr32 Void +0x01c FastPebLock : Ptr32 _RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION +0x020 FastPebLockRoutine : Ptr32 Void +0x024 FastPebUnlockRoutine : Ptr32 Void +0x028 EnvironmentUpdateCount : Uint4B +0x02c KernelCallbackTable : Ptr32 Void +0x030 SystemReserved : [1] Uint4B +0x034 AtlThunkSListPtr32 : Uint4B +0x038 FreeList : Ptr32 _PEB_FREE_BLOCK +0x03c TlsExpansionCounter : Uint4B +0x040 TlsBitmap : Ptr32 Void +0x044 TlsBitmapBits : [2] Uint4B +0x04c ReadOnlySharedMemoryBase : Ptr32 Void +0x050 ReadOnlySharedMemoryHeap : Ptr32 Void +0x054 ReadOnlyStaticServerData : Ptr32 Ptr32 Void +0x058 AnsiCodePageData : Ptr32 Void +0x05c OemCodePageData : Ptr32 Void +0x060 UnicodeCaseTableData : Ptr32 Void +0x064 NumberOfProcessors : Uint4B +0x068 NtGlobalFlag : Uint4B +0x070 CriticalSectionTimeout : _LARGE_INTEGER +0x078 HeapSegmentReserve : Uint4B +0x07c HeapSegmentCommit : Uint4B +0x080 HeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold : Uint4B +0x084 HeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold : Uint4B +0x088 NumberOfHeaps : Uint4B +0x08c MaximumNumberOfHeaps : Uint4B +0x090 ProcessHeaps : Ptr32 Ptr32 Void +0x094 GdiSharedHandleTable : Ptr32 Void +0x098 ProcessStarterHelper : Ptr32 Void +0x09c GdiDCAttributeList : Uint4B +0x0a0 LoaderLock : Ptr32 Void +0x0a4 OSMajorVersion : Uint4B +0x0a8 OSMinorVersion : Uint4B +0x0ac OSBuildNumber : Uint2B +0x0ae OSCSDVersion : Uint2B +0x0b0 OSPlatformId : Uint4B +0x0b4 ImageSubsystem : Uint4B +0x0b8 ImageSubsystemMajorVersion : Uint4B +0x0bc ImageSubsystemMinorVersion : Uint4B +0x0c0 ImageProcessAffinityMask : Uint4B +0x0c4 GdiHandleBuffer : [34] Uint4B +0x14c PostProcessInitRoutine : Ptr32 void +0x150 TlsExpansionBitmap : Ptr32 Void +0x154 TlsExpansionBitmapBits : [32] Uint4B +0x1d4 SessionId : Uint4B +0x1d8 AppCompatFlags : _ULARGE_INTEGER +0x1e0 AppCompatFlagsUser : _ULARGE_INTEGER_ULARGE_INTEGER +0x1e8 pShimData : Ptr32 Void +0x1ec AppCompatInfo : Ptr32 Void +0x1f0 CSDVersion : _UNICODE_STRING +0x1f8 ActivationContextData : Ptr32 Void +0x1fc ProcessAssemblyStorageMap : Ptr32 Void +0x200 SystemDefaultActivationContextData : Ptr32 Void +0x204 SystemAssemblyStorageMap : Ptr32 Void +0x208 MinimumStackCommit : Uint4B
IDA中反编译的结果以及对于PEB结构体的定义描述与真实情况有些出入, 需要以汇编代码为准
| if ( *((_DWORD *)NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessHeap + 0x0C) != 2 )
1 2 3 4 5
| .text:004015D4 mov eax, large fs:30h .text:004015DA mov eax, [eax+18h] .text:004015DD mov eax, [eax+0Ch] .text:004015E0 cmp eax, 2 .text:004015E3 jz short loc_401628
| if ( *((_DWORD *)NtCurrentPeb()->ProcessHeap + 0x0C) != 2 )
1 2 3 4 5
| .text:00401985 mov eax, large fs:30h .text:0040198B mov eax, [eax+18h] .text:0040198E mov eax, [eax+0Ch] .text:00401991 cmp eax, 2 .text:00401994 jz short loc_4019A2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
| +0×000 Entry :_HEAP_ENTRY +0×008 Signature :Uint4B +0×00c Flags :Uint4B +0×010 ForceFlags :Uint4B +0×014 VirtualMemoryThreshold :Uint4B +0×018 SegmentReserve :Uint4B +0×01c SegmentCommit :Uint4B +0×020 DeCommitFreeBlockThreshold :Uint4B ...
| if ( ((int)NtCurrentPeb()->NtGlobalFlag & 0x70) != 0 )
1 2 3 4 5
| .text:00401ADA mov eax, large fs:30h .text:00401AE0 mov eax, [eax+68h] .text:00401AE3 and eax, 70h .text:00401AE6 test eax, eax .text:00401AE8 jz short loc_401B00
| if ( (unsigned __int8)*(_DWORD *)&NtCurrentPeb()->BeingDebugged )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
| .text:00401B4D mov eax, large fs:30h .text:00401B53 inc eax .text:00401B54 inc eax .text:00401B55 mov eax, [eax] .text:00401B57 and eax, 0FFh .text:00401B5C test eax, eax .text:00401B5E jz short loc_401B6E
当程序被调试时, 以上if语句均可能成立, 从而对程序的流程产生影响
《逆向工程核心原理》 Page.529